
The Agartha 2 represents more than 5 years of development. The return of the Agartha in 2021 was the first major breakthrough helping us to bring Direct Heated Triodes to headphones without feedback or other less than desirable tools.

The 2021 Agartha ushering in use of Hum Pots, variable input transformers and our huge custom output transformers. Input transformers provide step from 1v:2v or can be requested 4v:2v.

The Agartha Rev2 has brought the first major redesign to our circuit ushering in the use of 12AX7/12AU7 family tubes for the input. The move to 9pin front end tubes has been a shift across nearly all ampsandsound amps starting in 2021. The move was meant to expand availability of NOS offerings and shift to a quite tube architecture. Moving to the 9pin input dropped noise floor and increased bandwidth and power. 

Typical of all ampsandsound amplifiers, the power supply is massive. This, combined with a generous choke, yields our trademark low noise; less than 680mV at the idle, and stable output of 5 watts RMS into an 8ohm load and 3 .5watts into a 32ohm headphone. Frequency response is 12hz to 34hz at 1 watt, 1-dB. Carefully selected output iron reduces distortion and increases frequency response. And of course, we also use our 5% capacitors and 2% resistors.

The motivation of the Agartha is to provide wide bandwidth and give the warm mid-range bloom that is at the heart of single-ended direct-heated triode designs. Tube set included.

Wood Chassis dimensions:15.75" Wide x 9.75" Deep

Input sensitive: with 12AX7 input @ 1.4V P-P

Input sensitive: with 12AX7 input @ 1.2V P-P

Noise: @ 300ohm/HiZ      1.2mV RMS

Noise: @ 100ohm              1.1mV RMS

Noise: @ 32ohm                500uV RMS

Noise: @ 16ohm                450uV RMS

Noise: @ 8ohm LoZ         430uV RMS

Max Power @    8ohm    @ 7 watts RMS

Max Power @   32ohm   @ 5 watts RMS

THD 1Watt @ 1.360%
THD 2Watt @ 1.830%
AC Noise 0.212mV

Ultra-wide bandwidth; 12hz to 34khz @ 1 watt -1db

Compatible with nearly every headphone.

Power and Noise specs are dependent on tube selection.

All ampsandsound amps are handmade in Southern California with custom hand-wound output transformers and U.S. sourced parts.

Our amps are handmade by a small team, with quality being our first priority.